.container {
display: grid;
max-width: 900px;
position: relative;
margin: auto;
grid-template-areas: "head head"
"nav nav"
"info services"
"footer footer";
grid-template-rows: 300px 120px 800px 120px;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr;
header {
grid-area: head;
nav {
grid-area: nav;
.info {
grid-area: info;
.services {
grid-area: services;
footer {
grid-area: footer;
max-width: 900px;
position: relative;
margin: auto;
grid-template-areas: "head head"
"nav nav"
"info services"
"footer footer";
grid-template-rows: 300px 120px 800px 120px;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr;
header {
grid-area: head;
nav {
grid-area: nav;
.info {
grid-area: info;
.services {
grid-area: services;
footer {
grid-area: footer;
head | head |
nav | nav |
info | services |
footer | footer |
- start — aligns grid items to the left side of the grid area
- end — aligns grid items to the right side of the grid area
- center — aligns grid items to the center of the grid area
- stretch — stretches all items to fill the grid area
- start — aligns the grid to the left side of the grid container
- end — aligns the grid to the right side of the grid container
- center — centers the grid horizontally in the grid container
- stretch — stretches the grid items to increase the size of the grid to expand horizontally across the container
- space-around — includes an equal amount of space on each side of a grid element, resulting in double the amount of space between elements as there is before the first and after the last element
- space-between — includes an equal amount of space between grid items and no space at either end
- space-evenly — places an even amount of space between grid items and at either end
align-items는 세로 축 기준으로 정렬
- start — aligns grid items to the top side of the grid area
- end — aligns grid items to the bottom side of the grid area
- center — aligns grid items to the center of the grid area
- stretch — stretches all items to fill the grid area
- start — aligns the grid to the top of the grid container
- end — aligns the grid to the bottom of the grid container
- center — centers the grid vertically in the grid container
- stretch — stretches the grid items to increase the size of the grid to expand vertically across the container
- space-around — includes an equal amount of space on each side of a grid element, resulting in double the amount of space between elements as there is before the first and after the last element
- space-between — includes an equal amount of space between grid items and no space at either end
- space-evenly — places an even amount of space between grid items and at either end
auto row , 암묵적 명시적 그리드 생성규칙이 헷갈림
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