IT 관련/개발(Codecademy)

Nav bar / breadcrumbs 의 종류

Entkommen 2022. 12. 1.

헨젤과 그레텔이 빵조각을 쫓아 숲에서 길을 찾던 방식처럼,  우리가 웹페이지에서 어느 위치에 있고 어느 카테고리에 속해있는지를 알게 해주는 장치를 breadcrumb (빵부스러기) 라고한다. 이러한 breadcrumbs의 종류에 대해 다룬다. 


  • Location
  • Attribute
  • Path


  • Location Based Breadcrumb:
    this shows the trail of current file location from the main directory.
  • Like documents folder on your system.
  • Attribute-Based Breadcrumb:
    this shows the trail of attributes of which your items fall into.Its analogy is like pendrive is a item which is in a folder of computer peripherals and this folder might be a subfolder of electronics.
  • i.e., like if your item is Pendrive, it falls into data storage attribute which is an attribute under computer peripherals, which might be a part of electronics attribute.


Basically, it's like Uttham says. However, to better explain the differences, a location based breadcrumb describes the path the user follows to get to specific pages (locations) of your site. Thus, these pages have to exist and are accessible independendently, breadcrumb or not.

On the other side, an attribute breadcrumb is related to specific attributes of an object, hence why it's commonly used on e-commerce, and the specific trail of the breadcrumb may or may not exist "physically", thus the breadcrumb is usually created for the user's session. Think about faceted searches and filters. You look for (say) a room for 2 attribute people in some neighborhood attribute in some city attribute. Then you filter specific services attribute and later you add a budget range attribute. It wouldn't make sense to create this page since the search is very specific and it's created only for this specific search. However, you may have a breadcrumb based on your filters.
